Audition 61 #2 The Catering Queen

Audition Notice for

Metro Theatre is holding open auditions for
Written by: Alison Lawrence
Directed by: Rebecca Walters
Produced by: Alison Schamberger

Sunday, July 16 from 7 pm
& Monday, July 17 from 7 pm

*All COVID protocols observed

Where: Metro Theatre,
1370 SW Marine Drive, Vancouver

Welcome to Henderson Tessier McGuire & Smythe’s annual Christmas cocktail party, held at the gracious home of managing partner George Smythe and his lovely wife Buffy. It’s The Catering Gig from Hell.

Behind the scenes is Melanie, McKinley Catering’s supervisor, plating up hors d’oeuvres and juggling her career as a writer, her ex-boyfriend’s appearance on the arm of a gorgeous young lawyer and her friends’ expectations. Oh, and Cynthia’s there too, an actress not so happy to be wearing the catering bow-tie, sniping at her old roommate Timothy, who’s making his first catering appearance in years. Eric’s there too, but he’s never a problem—Eric is the unflappable uber-caterer. Or is he? There’s Christmas cheer, sex, romance, death, laughter, a vast array of appetizers and a whole lot of vodka and wine….. Not for nothing is Mel known as…The Catering Queen. 

Show Run Dates:
Thursday to Saturday:
October 27 to November 18
Sunday matinees are:
October 29, November 5 & 12

Characters Needed

3 Women and 3 Men

(F– Late 20’s-early 40’s)
Catering supervisor, aspiring novelist. Great at her job, but not sure what she wants to do with her life.
(F – Late 20’s-early 40’s)
Caterer/Actress. Not thrilled to still be a caterer. Dramatic. Former roommate of Melanie and Timothy.
(M – Late 20’s-early 40’s)
Caterer, back at the job after a while away. Former roommate of Melanie and Cynthia.
(M – Late 20’s-early 40’s)
Caterer, unflappable, “the uber caterer”, friendly, but mostly keeps to himself.
(M – Late 20’s-early 40’s)
Melanie’s ex, an aspiring screenwriter.
(F – Late 20’s-early 40’s)
Glamorous young lawyer, Nick’s new girlfriend.

Sunday, July 23 from 1 PM

Early September through until opening night


Auditions will be cold readings from the script.

Note: This is a NON-EQUITY production.

All roles at Metro Theatre, are Volunteer positions.
People will be seen on a first come/first served basis. Be prepared that you may have to sit around and wait as you may be needed to read opposite someone else who is auditioning.

Ethno-cultural casting statement:
We encourage submissions from artists with a broad range of backgrounds including, but not limited to: race, ethnicity, indigeneity, gender, and sexuality.  We encourage anyone to audition for any role as we will be casting on who is best for the role.

Resume and Headshots:

○ Please note any conflicts with auditions or the run at this time.
○ Please let us know if there is a specific part you are interested in and which of the two audition dates you plan to attend.

You can indicate your interest by:

  1. filling in this downloadable PDF
    THE CATERING QUEEN Fillable Audition Form
  2. and submitting it along with the online Application Form below
The Catering Queen

• No appointment necessary.

• If you are cast, you will be required to become a Member of Metro Theatre and your 12-month Membership Fee of $20 will be collected at the first read-through.

• It is expected that actors must be capable of playing the age specified, be capable of speaking with expected accents, be able to utilize musical and dancing skills, when the part requires those skills.

• While experience is preferable it is not essential.


Metro Theatre is collecting personal information about you.

If you are cast in this show, your contact information will be provided to other members of the company.

Unless you ask us not to,  you will be added to our mailing list; the information you provide will be made available to directors and other Metro shows for audition and casting purposes.

You may request to be removed from our mailing list at any time.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.